Graham and Nathalie have been dancing together since 2014, tango-ing together since 2015, and teaching together since Graham launched Jivebeat Dance in 2016. In addition to Argentine Tango they also teach LeRoc (modern jive) at their regular weekly classes with Jivebeat, and the combination of the two different dance styles in the same evening has proven to be an unexpected hit.
Right from the start of their respective tango journeys they both knew that tango was a dance that needed to be experienced against a backdrop of as many different kinds of music as possible. It may have started in South America with the bandoneon and violin orchestras of the age, but that need not be where it stops. A lot of modern music from blues to pop has a tango-suitable rhythm, so where music is concerned they soon decided that there are no rules.
This belief in the inherent flexibility of tango extends to the dance itself, and so although they continue to take every opportunity to learn from the best in the traditional tango world, they are not averse to trying new things in tango or merging it with other styles. And so... TangoSynthesis was born.
When not teaching dance, Graham is an engineer who designs and repairs things, a programmer and designer of websites and other graphic-intensive subjects (including this website), he writes books (crime and sci-fi so far) and occasionally hosts writing workshops and gives lectures at literary festivals. He is also a photographer of events, landscapes, and various art projects.
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